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Presentation of the special winter intervention equipment

Bucharest Airports National Company carried out, on Monday, October 19, the presentation of the special winter intervention equipment at Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport, during which the representatives of the Special Operations Department presented the procedure for snow removal and deicing of the airport runways, platforms and taxiways.

All types of multifunctional equipment which operate at the airport were reviewed, each with its own well-defined role in deicing and snow removal operations. These include compact aggregates with an extended cleaning capacity, which can operate at speeds of 50 km/h, with fully functional plows, brushes, blowers and deicing dispersing equipment. There were also presented machines with brushes, plows and diffusers of liquid and solid de-icing material, which can act under the wings of the aircraft. The following were also reviewed: the multifunctional milling cutters, which remove the “hills” of snow generated by blizzards and heavy snow; complex equipment, equipped with plows and deicing dispersers; tractors with blades, brushes, plows and diffusers; simple snowmobiles, which act quickly on the surface of the runways.

All 39 high-performance machines available at Henri Coanda Airport are ready to intervene at any time, when the weather situation requires it.

The presentation of the snow removal and deicing technique takes place annually and is part of the system of preparation operations for specific winter activities on the airport platform of Henri Coandă Airport. Winter preparations involve consultations of all entities involved (airport, handling companies, airlines, ROMATSA, collaborators under contract etc.), equipment maintenance operations, front-end review of specific technology, regular training of airport staff, supplementation of staff involved in snow removal and deicing activities etc.

Bucharest Airports National Company assures the passengers and airlines that it has all the necessary equipment and staff specialized in winter operations and that it has taken the necessary measures for the safe operation of the aircraft, during the cold season, on both airports in the Capital City.

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