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June 20, 2018 - Runway 2 reopened today

Bucharest Airports National Company announces the re-opening of runway 2 (08L-26R) starting today, June 20, at 6 PM, according to the previously released schedule.

Starting today, the full length runway 2 (3500 m) will be operational and that will lead to an increase in the airport's operating capacity by over 50%, up to 39 landings and take-offs per hour.

The asphalt covering costs were approx. ROL 1,25 million and lasted 30 days. When the work for runway 2 ended, during the 13th - 20th of June, the preparatory operations for re-opening the runway (reconfiguration of lighting and beacon, the checking of the runway configuration and the radio navigation systems in flight, and different authorizations, etc.) had to be carried out.

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