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2020 - The Year of Vlad Țepeș Drăculea

We are honored every time Bucharest Airports National Company is invited to join cultural-historical projects. Such an initiative was initiated by Vasile Lupașc Sfintes and Rhea Publishing House. The project "2020 - The Year of Vlad Țepeș Drăculea" is part of a series of activities that aim to promote the true image of the Romanian voivode, of his national and European importance.

The Vlad Voievod Drăculea graphic exhibition is part of the “2020 - The Year of Vlad Țepeș Drăculea”project and was inaugurated on September 10, inside Henri Coandă Bucharest International Airport, on the connecting corridor between the Arrivals and Departures Terminal. The presentation of the essential moments of the voivode's life "constitutes a very useful step towards the knowledge of the national history." (Prof. Dr. Leonard Velcescu, laureate of the Romanian Academy)

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